Scott Richard Lyons: Making his own x-mark

Scott Richard Lyons (Ojibwe/Dakota) is assistant professor of English at Syracuse University, where he teaches indigenous and American literatures. He has also taught at Leech Lake Tribal College, the University of North Dakota, and Concordia College, Moorhead.

His new book, X-Marks: Native Signatures of Assent, is a provocative and deeply personal exploration of contemporary Indian identity, nationalism, and modernity. Find an excerpt, in which Lyons writes about the x-mark and its symbolism, on the First Peoples blog.

Also — in case you missed it:

A 2-minute segment on local Arizona news about the recent Native American and Indigenous Studies meeting in Tucson, and the association’s decision not to boycott.
(Bonus — Look for a brief cameo appearance from UMP staffers around 0:56.)

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